
Showing posts from September, 2022

Sandstone Trail Race 2022

It's been a while. Pandemics, injury, new jobs, PhDs, disillusionment...all of this combined meant that I abandoned this blog (and all associated running goals) through most of 2020 and 2021. I've re-read a lot of these posts of late and decided that not only do I miss goal-based running, I also miss writing about it. Don't be under any illusions - my fitness is not what it was in late 2019, and despite some recent parkruns of 19:10, 18.58, and 18.16, I'm a little heavier and a little older. In addition, I'm still suffering with achilles tendinopathy. I have, finally, started getting some physio (from third year BSc Sports Therapy students at work...) and this has helped, but it has not gone away. Either way, I'm not getting any younger and I was happier when I was competing, so I entered the Sandstone Trail Race in Cheshire. The Sandstone Trail Race has been run since 1977. Competitors can run either the A course (17.1 miles) or the a B course (10.5 miles) alon...